Ethos' last audits were completed by thousands of developers who work with Sherlock in Q4 of 2024.
Social Contracts
ContractAddressManager | Contract address here on mainnet launch |
EthosAttestation | Contract address here on mainnet launch |
EthosDiscussion | Contract address here on mainnet launch |
EthosProfile | Contract address here on mainnet launch |
EthosReview | Contract address here on mainnet launch |
EthosVote | Contract address here on mainnet launch |
InteractionControl | Contract address here on mainnet launch |
SignatureVerifier | Contract address here on mainnet launch |
Github repo with all findings:
PDF report:
Final commit hash: ad7fa83f40062e0802889bb54ae235da042d293f
Vouch Contract:
EthosVouch | Contract address here on mainnet launch |
ReputationMarket |
Github repo with all findings:
PDF Report: TBD
Final commit hash: TBD
Reputation Market II
ReputationMarket | Contract address here on mainnet launch |
Github repo with all findings:
PDF Report: TBD
Final commit hash: TBD