⚠️ Please note, the Chrome extension is only available for desktop use. It is not currently possible to use chrome extensions with mobile versions of Chrome.
You can start by downloading the Ethos Chrome extension from the Chrome web store listing.
Installation and Settings
After installing, the Chrome extension will show up in your list of extensions. We recommend pinning the Chrome extension for easier access later.
By default, the Chrome extension will now add Ethos credibility scores to Twitter profiles. The settings panel allows you to turn these on or off to get your desired visual treatment.
Usage of the Ethos chrome extension
Scores on Profiles
Once installed, Ethos will now start showing Ethos credibility scores on all user names. These will appear on your timeline, in your private messages, and most places that avatars are shown in Twitter.
Now when mousing over avatars in Twitter, you can see more detailed information about a user's Ethos profile directly in the mouseover. This includes a link to their Ethos profile for easy access to Ethos.
You can also see information about a user directly on their profile page when viewing profiles directly on Twitter.
Iconography is used to indicate if a user has an ethos profile or not. Twitter accounts that do not have Ethos profiles are able to be reviewed, but not vouched.
Scores on ENS and Eth Addresses
The Chrome extension also adds scores and profiles when people on Twitter either mention an ENS name or an address. Token addresses, contract addresses, and user addresses are all supported. We then replace the content of the name or address with an Ethos smart link to show more info about their Ethos profile at a glance.
Similar to Profiles, mousing over these will enable you to see more and click all the way through to the Ethos web app.
Want to see more features?
Drop us a note at https://feedback.ethos.network