Securing an Invitation
Ethos today is currently invite only. The invitation system is used to maintain a bad actor and sybil-resistant network of reputable users who help Ethos instrument web3 credibility.
In Ethos, invitations are extremely limited. To join Ethos, you must secure an invitation from an existing user. In order for them to generate the invite, you must provide them with an EVM wallet address you control.
Once you've secured your Ethos invite, they will provide you an invitation link that looks something like:
or you can visit:
Invites are only claimable by the wallet that was provided to create the invite, so make sure you provide the correct wallet to the person inviting you.
Accepting the invitation
Once you've clicked your invitation link and connected your wallet, you'll be able to select which invitation you want to accept. It's important to be thoughtful about which invitation you want to accept. In Ethos today:
The inviter's name will show up on your profile forever "Invited by"
For some 90 days, you'll create a bond with that person
Their credibility score will be influenced by yours- if you become more reputable, so will they. The same is true about becoming less reputable.
Your initial score will be heavily influenced by which invitation you accept. Choosing a score that's from someone highly reputable is likely to boost your initial credibility significantly. You can see this boost next to their name in the invite selection
Connecting Twitter
Once you've chosen which invitation to accept, you'll be prompted with two on-chain transaction to create your profile. You'll then be taken to the next step in the profile creation process where you can attest (connect) Twitter (and in the future, other identities on the internet).
Connecting your Twitter/ account is an important way to help other Ethos participants recognize you. Doing so will pull all Twitter information in like profile name and avatar. It will also affect your credibility score in two ways:
Users with Twitter accounts that are older than 4 years old will receive some minor boost in credibility score.
Any reviews or vouches left for that Twitter account before becoming an Ethos profile will be associated with the new profile, and any credibility earned (or lost!) through those reviews will come with it.
After that, you're done! You're now free to use Ethos as a full member of the network.