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Writing a Review
Serpin Taxt avatar
Written by Serpin Taxt
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Writing reviews lays the foundation of trust in Ethos. Reviews are a simple peer-to-peer feedback mechanism that helps document interactions, trust signals, and gives us more clear signal-to-noise ratio on who & what can be trusted in the space.

Writing a review is simple, and has a few components:

  • A title (up to 120 characters)

  • A description (up to 1024 characters)

  • Sentiment (Positive, neutral, negative)

Writing your first review

To get started with writing a review, pull up the profile of the user you'd like to review. Then look to the top right of the screen to find the "Review" button.

From here a modal will pop-up, with an editor to write your review. You're able to change the Title, description and sentiment all from within this newly created modal.

Clicking "Publish" will kick-off a blockchain transaction to submit the review to be written onchain. The fee should always be nominal, but will scale with how much content you write in the description.

Congrats! You've just written your first review. Now go see how much it impacted their credibility score by checking out their profile!

Who can be reviewed?

Today Ethos supports the following being reviewed:

  • Twitter accounts

  • Ethereum wallet addresses / ENS names

    • Wallets, Smart Contracts and Tokens are all supported

It is not required that the target of a review has to have an Ethos profile (contrary to vouching, which requires the target has a profile). This ensures that Ethos can document any piece of feedback that might be helpful for others.

In the future, we intend to add support for other various web identities (Github accounts, discord users, etc.) and crypto identities (solana addresses, bitcoin addresses, etc.)

Something you want to see that we didn't solve? Find a bug we may have missed? Want to be able to review other types of identities or accounts?

Feel free to reach out here.

Dev note: On the smart-contract side, reviews also have extensible JSON blobs to support additional metadata. Anyone is able to write a review to the Ethos smart contract.

If you hit CMD + Shift + E in the Ethos web app, you'll see quick links to our smart contracts for further information.

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